Monday 12th July arrangements
Dear parents,
Around school, the excitement about the Euro football final on Sunday is palpable, and we are aware that many of our children will want to join in with this momentous event by watching the match with their families.
If the game goes to extra-time and penalties this would be a late finish on a school night.
Therefore we are offering a choice of 2 start times on Monday regardless of what time the match finishes:
1. The usual start time of 8.45am, register at 8.55am
2. A later start time of 10.15am register at 10.25am
This applies to Little Eagles. Nursery, Reception and Y1-Y6.
If you are using the later start time please access school via the usual gates and doors.
Breakfast Club will operate as usual for those parents who require it.
We hope that all of our families have a great weekend. Come on England!
Kind regards
S. Price