First class assembly of the year - 6JB

The videos below were created as part of our class assembly. The assembly was a guide to 'How to have a successful year at St John's'. Within it, we offered our 'Ten Top Tips' , at number 1 we had 'KEEP YOUR LOCKER, TRAY AND CLASSROOM TIDY AT ALL TIMES'.

We put together this 60 Minute Make Over ( special school edition) Video to demonstrate what a tidy locker should look like!

This second video was created as part of our class assembly. The assembly was a guide to 'How to have a successful year at St John's'. Within it, we offered our 'Ten Top Tips' , and at number 3 we had attendance. We set the scene with some comic strip style photos and speech bubbles, stating that all the children of 6JB were all unable to come to school due to car troubles.

This video shows Miss Bevington stopping at nothing to make sure they all get to school on time! She collects every single one of them in the school minibus and transport them 'Happily' to school.

Miss Bevington


Cross Country Success


Trips around the World with google expeditions