Class Pages | Year 3


Miss B Routley
Mrs S Davies

Mrs S Harrison

Mrs S Taylor


Welcome to our Year 3 class page where you’ll find lots of useful information. Year 3 are working extremely hard and we’re really proud with how well they’ve settled. Speak with any Year 3 teacher if you have any questions or concerns.


Curriculum Theme

Bright Lights Big City

Geography- map skills

Art- Work inspired by Van Gogh

Dt- Building bridges

Music- Instrumental

Computing- Programming


Sulwe story
Instructional text
Stories with familiar settings (The Snowman)


Geometry – 2D shapes
Geometry- 3D shapes
Addition and Subtraction (including inverses)
Multiplication and division (including inverses)
Place value work
Data Handling


Year 3 are continuing to learn about light. They will be learning about the sun and the moon as well as looking at shadows.


Children will be learning about Christianity with a focus on Baptism. They will also be visiting the church as part of this topic.


Children will be completing work about their dreams and goals.

Reading Books

We encourage the children to read at home and at school every day and please ensure that your childs reading book is in school daily. We will be changing books once per week on Mondays.


Spelling Test

Children will complete spellings with the support of EdShed. All children have a log in which they can access from home.

P.E Information

3ST – Monday, Wednesday
3BR – Tuesday, Thursday
3SH – Tuesday, Thursday

Children will be required to attend school on these days wearing their school PE kit. This can be worn beneath a pair of tracksuit bottoms/school trousers and their school uniform jumper. If the weather is cool, then tracksuit bottoms and a school jumper or cardigan can be worn over the top.

In addition, children should attend school wearing their trainers/school shoes however, a pair of pumps, which will be stored in their locker, should be worn in their PE lessons.

Can we remind children that long hair should be tied back and any jewellery removed.

Library Books Days

3ST – Monday
3BR – Friday
3SH - Friday

Drinks and Snacks

Children can have a bottle of water to drink in class.  Re-useable school bottles are available to purchase through Simspay at a cost of £3 and a bottle will be available for collection within 24 hours.

We participate in the ‘free fruit for schools’ scheme and encourage children to have a piece of fruit at playtime.

Toast and Milk can be purchased at playtime at a cost of 20p. Money to be sent in daily in a named envelope/purse/wallet. Years 3-6 can purchase bacon or sausage baps on Friday break times at a cost of 70p