class pages | Year 1


Mrs C Edwards
Miss H Mitchell
Miss S Lockley

Mrs J Beaman
Mrs L Watson
Mrs Lloyd


Welcome to Year 1!

We love to read,explore and investigate. We thank you for your continued support with your child’s education, building their knowledge, resiliance and love for learning.


Curriculum Theme

Curriculum Theme:
This half term, the children will begin to explore how their childhoods are different to the generations that came before them. Building on from the children’s understanding for the Royal Family and why King Charles 11 became King after Queen Elizabeth, the children will begin to complete personalised family trees. It’s key in this topic, the children start to understand how generations change and such things as, technology, medicine and hobbies are different to what their parents and grandparents would have experienced. However, in response to changes in the world such as global warming, more recyclable materials are more popular in the modern day. As in earlier generations, when Terry nappies were popular as a cost-effective method, they are starting to become popular again. The children will be immersed into their topic during a launch day that will mean they travel through the eras starting with the sixties to the modern day. Throughout the day, they will develop an understanding for the music, technology, toys, activities and fashion that would have been shown during each era. We hope to show the children how the world changes and help them to understand which significant times and people came before them that impacted their lives today.

English: This half term we will start by looking at the book ‘Owl Babies’ before moving on to Non-fiction animal texts. We will then go back to Visual Literacy exploring description and using our imagination. Our focus this half term will be on extending our writing and correctly spelling our Year 1 tricky words, so any help at home with these will be an advantage to your child. We will also take “National Earth Day” as a stimulus for our writing half way through the term.


We will introduce using standard units of measurement for length and height this half term. We will also be introducing mass and volume. To begin with, we will identify heavier and lighter, moving on to measuring and comparing mass and volume. As we progress through the half term we will be introducing the children to simple multiplication and division. During the last two weeks we will be introducing the children to fractions – using and finding ½ and ¼ of shapes and small quantities of objects.


This half term we will be looking at seasonal changes, focusing on weather and how the seasons change throughout the year. We will learn about and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies.

RE: Our RE lessons this half term will be focused on Christianity asking the question:

‘What is the good news that Jesus brings?’ We will be listening to, and learning about Gospel stories from the Bible and beginning to understand how these are relevant to our lives today.


Our topic this half term will be focusing on relationships. We will be thinking about different relationships we have, belonging to a family, making friends and how to be a good friend, people who help us and celebrating special relationships.


P.E Information

1HM: Monday and Tuesday
1CE: Monday and Tuesday
1SL: Monday and Friday

Could we kindly ask if children could attend school on these days wearing their school PE kit. This can be worn beneath a pair of tracksuit bottoms/school trousers and their school uniform jumper/cardigan. In addition, children should attend school wearing their trainers however a pair of clearly named pumps, which will be stored on their coat peg all year, should be worn during PE lessons. 

We politely ask that long hair should be tied back and any jewellery removed prior to the lesson and kept at home for safe keeping. Additionally, can we remind both parents and children that if they attend school on these days wearing earrings, they will be asked to remove them and store them safely. If they wish to wear micropore tape, this should be brought in and provided from home and stored in their PE bag or tray. A permission slip should be completed and given to the class teacher for their child to wear tape and for the teacher to assist when putting on the tape prior to the PE lesson. Thank you.

Drinks and Snacks

In Key Stage 1, children are provided with a piece of fruit to take out with them at break time and can purchase a carton of milk for 20p. This can be given to the class teacher/teaching assistant at registration or paid for the whole week on Monday. Children can keep a transparent water bottle with a sports cap in the classroom. They can be refilled at the water dispensers.

Reading Books

All children in Year 1 will be given one reading book to read at home each week and will have their reading book changed once every week. Could we please remind parents to write in the children’s reading record books when they have read at home in order for us to change their books. To further their reading, all children have logins for Oxford Owl and Oxford Reading Buddy stuck inside the front of their reading diary.

Library Books Days

1HM: Tuesday
1CE: Thursday
1SL: Monday

Spelling Test

Children will be given spellings each Friday and tested the following Friday. When school is closed on a Friday the spelling test will take place on the Thursday before. All children have a log in to ‘Spelling Shed’ stuck inside the front of their reading diary, we kindly encourage children to practice their spellings at home on spelling shed.

Forest Afternoons

1HM: Wednesday

We politely ask if you could send your child into school wearing suitable outdoor clothing on these days. Children can wear their school polo t-shirts and school jumpers with jogging bottoms or leggings. Wellies are kept in school throughout the year in a named bag. Please could you ensure your child has a suitable coat on these days. 

1CE and 1SL will alternate their Forest sessions on Fridays.